Do not allow a DWI conviction to ruin your future plans

As a young person not yet 21, you may not always consider the consequences of a decision you make, such as the choice to drink and drive.

A DWI mark on your driving record can cause problems for you well into the future. Here are four examples of issues you will want to avoid:

  1. Academic roadblocks

If you plan to attend college, a DWI conviction may make the application process difficult. If you are already a college student seeking to go into a profession that requires state licensing or certification, the DWI mark on your record may disqualify you from pursuing a career in teaching, medicine or law.

  1. Trouble with job hunts

Perhaps you are already working, or at least work part-time. When your employer learns about your DWI conviction, he or she may terminate you, especially if part of your job involves driving. Keep in mind that finding a new job may take time. Employers perform background checks on applicants as a matter of course, and a recruiter may pass you up in favor of a candidate with a clean record.

  1. Auto insurance issues

Because of your DWI conviction, your auto insurance provider may now view you as a high-risk driver. The insurer could cancel your policy or issue a new policy with a premium that is considerably more expensive, a rate that would continue for years.

  1. Trustworthiness in jeopardy

Who will a DWI conviction affect? Your family members? Your friends? You may find that their view of you has changed. Prepare to put in time and effort to regain their trust.

Seeking help

For a first offender under the age of 21, DWI comes with many penalties, including suspension of your driving privileges for one year, not to mention the adverse effect a conviction of this kind could have on your future. If law enforcement should arrest you on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, explore your legal options promptly because you will want the best outcome possible for your case.